Just across the road from the parking lot is an iron gate with a path to the left of it to take you into the trail. Just a short ways in is this trailhead sign with a trail map.
 Short walk across a open area and slightly to the left and Linda is ready to head up the trail. |
After walking through the field, the trail starts uphill. New trails are being constructed so descriptions here may vary. Watch for signs
 Connie and Linda are walking up a rocky section of the trail which is only moderately steep most of the way.
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Linda and Connie take advantage of the rocks to take a short break on the trail.
 Linda is standing near a cairn where the trail bears left into the woods.
Shortly after the cairn, the terrain becomes quite open and the trail is solid granite the rest of the way. Blueberry bushes become plentiful beside the trail.
 A really nice landmark just before the summit is this large split rock. It has a beautiful pink tint on the inside. Very nice!
Connie and Linda pause to pick some blueberries before the final assent to the top. .
 We arrive at the top. Beautiful views in all directions. |
 From the top it is easy to tell why it is called Whitecap.
 Looking to the west we had a beautiful view of the mountains. The peak in the middle I believe is Old Speck.
 Looking east we can see the communications tower on Black Mountain. To the far left we can see Tumbledown Mountain. *Update* You now will be able to see the wind turbines in Roxbury from this same view.
Connie is out on the edge taking in the views
 Connie and Linda scouring the blueberry bushes. They don't want to miss any! |
 Linda is showing off her blueberries. One of many containers I might add.
I came across this nice Pitcher Plant on the top. It lives on insects similar to the Venus Fly Trap.
 One last picture taking opportunity before starting down. |
 Linda pauses for a picture in the split rock on the way down
 Blueberry fields everywhere. We tried to got on top of that big rock but we couldn't make it. Great hike!
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