DirectionsThis is the beautiful Bubble Pond in Acadia National Park. The Pemetic North Ridge Trail leaves the Bubble Pond parking area. This is one of four trails to the peak.  Trail starts out as a nice uphill walk in the woods and gradually becomes steeper. | |
And becomes even steeper.  Eventually becomes a little rugged with some scrambling required. | |
About half way up we come to some open ledges and some nice rocks to rest on.  The open ledges also provided great views of Mt Cadillac and Bubble Pond. | |
There were plenty of big rocks around.  A great lookout point for Connie. | |
Still more boulders to climb up, over and through, as Joyce is finding out.  Strange place to find a petrified dolphin!. | |
We are leaving the mostly open area into a short wooded section. And yes the trail goes straight up over that steep rock cliff.  Then the trail follows this cool rock path along the side of the cliff. | |
This the junction of the North West trail which comes up from the Bubble Rock parking area. Only a tenth of a mile to go.  We can see the top. We're excited to see the views from there. | |
|  We made it to the highest point. Great views from here.
|  Always have to have a picture by the sign!
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Beautiful view of Jordan Pond and the Jordan Pond House at the further end. Beyond that in the Atlantic, Cranberry Isles among many others.  Directly across Jordan Pond you can see a section of one of the many carriage roads in the park. | |
Lots of room on top to explore and views everywhere.  We don't hike on the coast a lot, so a view of a sailboat is a real treat.
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Connie is checking out this interesting rectangular flat rock.  Great view of Eagle Lake to Joyce's right.
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A large rock lying there by itself.  I just had to do this! Sargent Mountain rises in the back ground. It's a great hike up Sargent.
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 A long telephoto shot over to South Bubble Mountain. You can see Bubble Rock right there in the middle, balancing right on the edge of the cliff.
We hate to leave but it's time so down we go over roots and rock back to Bubble Pond,  And this is my reward for all that hard work. We are at Udder Heaven. The ice cream and service was great. It's just a short ways up on the right on rt#3 after leaving the park heading toward Ellsworth. Right across from Pirates Cove mini golf.
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