(Note 2014) Many changes have occurred to Big Spencer. The ranger cabin has been torn down. The fire tower is gone and a pretty big forrest fire burned quite a bit of the top. There has been talk of rerouting the trail. Google for recent info.
After a long drive over dusty dirt roads, we are at the Big Spencer trailhead ready for a new adventure.
 The trail starts out as an old logging road, washed out and a little wet in some areas. |
The logging trail continues for the first mile and leads to an old ranger cabin. It is steep at times
|  Just as the trail levels off and gets close to the ranger cabin, we spot a platform to our right. We weren't sure what the purpose of it was until we got onto it.
The platform is a lookout. We got this great view of the peak of Big Spencer. If all goes well we will be up there soon.
 About 100 yards or so we arrive at the ranger cabin. There is a ledger inside for hikers to sign. Most of the hiking books say that you get great views of Blood Pond from here but it the brush is now to tall for any views. |
After a short level jaunt across a level wet area, we start to climb. It is quite steep for the next mile to the summit as Rick is taking note of.
 Connie gets to the top of the first ladder. There are several of these ladders along the way to assist with some of the steep wet areas. Most of these could be bypassed with a little effort. |
Soon there are some open areas with great views. Here is a fabulous view of Lobster Lake.
 The trail continues up steep rocks as Joyce, Linda and Connie make there way up the trail. |
Rick and Connie continue the uphill journey.
 Connie and Rick approach another one of the ladders. This one looks pretty steep. |
The trail is starting to look more open. We can sense that we are getting close to the summit.
Now we can look up and see the top. Only a couple hundred more yards and we are there. |
 We get to the helicopter pad on the summit. It was a hard climb so everyone is anxious to break open the lunches as I go up the fire tower to get a picture. What a beautiful view from the top. Blood Pond is just below and then Ragged Lake with all the little islands. Caribou lake is just behind the knoll and the huge Chesuncook Lake in the background. |
 We also get a great view of Lobster Lake. From here it is easy to see the lobster claw shape for which it's named.
 Looking west I can get a good view of Little Spencer and Spencer Pond. Beyond that in the haze are Kineo and Moosehead Lake. |
Rick has had some of the most scenic naps you could imagine.
 Rick gets adventuresome after his power nap and climbs to the top rung. Linda is extending her view by going up a ways. |
 Joyce and I are taking in the views from the fire tower. Warning! If you do go into the fire tower, be aware that the boards on the floor are well decayed so make sure to step only where the iron beams cross underneath. |
Connie, Linda and Joyce are exploring out on the edge looking for blueberries.
|  Linda and Joyce are still looking for blueberries to fill that container up.
Solar panels with the fire tower in the background
|  One of the solar panels had this great design on it.
 As always, we had to get a group picture at the top. Lobster Lake is in the background with a bit of Moosehead Lake to the left.
It is time to head back and leave this beautiful scenery. Mt Katahdin is standing tall behind the many lakes.
|  Linda is making her way down the first series of ladders.
Connie is maneuvering into position to descend another of the six or seven ladders.
|  It's a long step down in places.
 We paused on the way out for another view of Big Spencer. Hard to believe we were up there just a couple of hours earlier.
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