This sign is on Rt 142, right at the beginning of the road that goes up to the Blueberry Mountain trailhead. It is 1.8 miles up to the Bible Camp. Please park in the parking area across from the camp and not in their field. These people are very nice to let the public use their road and parking area. Don't abuse the privilege.
 This sign is just before the parking area. Not actually a trailhead sign but it will do. As you can see we have a guest hiker with us today, Smittygirl, AKA Connie or little Connie as we already have a Connie. Also known as Joyce's daughter. |
After walking through the field, the trail starts uphill immediately and continues up steeply for a long stretch.
 Joyce and Linda are taking a short break from the steep walk.
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It seems that most of our hikes have an unusual tree or rock. This tree has an almost perfect heart cut all the way through the trunk.
 After walking up the steep trail for quite a while, we finally get to what we really like, lots of big rocks to climb over. Smittygirl, who always seems to be quite a ways ahead of the rest of us, is waiting here for us to catch up.
Connie is passing a big rock that was split in two by the weather. A very noticeable landmark.
 The trail becomes much more rugged now with plenty of rocks to scramble up over. |
Occasionally we get a level stretch which is much appreciated especially on the way down.
 About two thirds the way up we saw this large boulder. Great place for a group picture and a break for some trail mix. |
We are getting near the top now and the trail becomes almost all granite ledge.
 We are starting to get good views as Web Lake appears below. |
The trail now is just slightly uphill and all ledge.
 The trail is now marked by cairns as the trees become smaller and much less dense. |
 We've made it to the top, which is marked by a large cairn.
 Looking to the west we had a beautiful view of Jackson Mountain with Little Jackson peeking up behind to the left and to the left of that we could see the rocky ledges of Tumbledown's Parker Ridge.
 It's always great to look down on Web Lake.
 Connie and Linda are out on the edge taking pictures with Bald Mountain in the background.
Rick is out on the edge testing out his wings. He's thinking that soaring to the bottom would be easier on the knees.
 Smittygirl is taking in the scenery with Mt Blue rising in the background. |
Time for our lunch. As always, we can't have a hike without our little picnic.
 Connie is relaxing after lunch and enjoying the views. |
 You would expect to find blueberries on Blueberry Mountain wouldn't you?
Blueberries are everywhere and the girls are planning to get them all.
 Mother and daughter are relaxing and enjoying the sun. It's almost time to go back.
 We had to get a group photo before returning. Rick is displaying his moose antler that he found while picking Blueberries.
With the blueberries dishes all full, it's time to leave as we head back down into the scrubby conifers.
 Joyce's maneuvering down a big rock. It's more difficult going down over these rocks it seems.
And down and down we go!
 We made it to the bottom and the parking lot is just around the corner. That was a great hike. Highly recommended.
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